Class TTSBuffer

Contains information about the current state of the Text-To-Speech system.


When the memory buffer is completed, the memory buffer is returned to the calling application. A memory buffer is considered completed when any one of the following occur:

  • The memory buffer ( the data field ) is filled.
  • The phoneme array is filled.
  • The index mark array is filled.
  • A TTSForce argument is used in the call to speak().



  • any
    • TTSBuffer


  • Creates an instance of TTSBuffer.


    • options: {
          data?: number;
          index?: number;
          phoneme?: number;

      The maximum lengths of each list.

      • Optional data?: number
      • Optional index?: number
      • Optional phoneme?: number

    Returns TTSBuffer


data: Buffer

The audio sample data buffer.

index: TTSIndex[]

The list of index marks in the buffer.

maxBufferLength: number

The maximum number of bytes in the data buffer.

maxIndexLength: number

The maximum number of classes in the index array.

maxPhonemeLength: number

The maximum number of classes in the phoneme array.

phoneme: TTSPhoneme[]

The list of phonemes in the buffer.

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